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FinOPS practice

is a cloud financial management discipline and cultural practice that enables organizations to get maximum business value by helping engineering, finance, technology, and business teams to collaborate on data-driven spending decisions.

FinOps is a portmanteau of “Finance” and “DevOps”, stressing the communications and collaboration between business and engineering teams. Cross-functional teams in Engineering, Finance, Product, etc work together to enable faster product delivery, while at the same time gaining more financial control and predictability.

Explore FinOPS Practice

FinOps is a cultural movement that brings together finance, engineering, and operations teams to optimize cloud spend. It is a way of thinking about cloud costs that emphasizes collaboration, transparency, and accountability.

Here are some of the benefits of FinOps:

  • Cost savings: save money on cloud costs by identifying and eliminating waste, optimizing cloud usage, and negotiating better deals with cloud providers.

  • Improved efficiency: improve their cloud usage efficiency by using cloud resources more effectively and by automating cloud provisioning and management tasks.

  • Increased control: gain more control over their cloud spend by providing visibility into cloud costs, by setting budgets and limits, and by tracking cloud usage against those budgets and limits.

The key practices of FinOps include:

  • Shared responsibility: promotes shared responsibility for cloud costs between IT and business teams. IT teams are responsible for providing the tools and resources that business teams need to manage their costs, while business teams are responsible for using those tools and resources responsibly.

  • Data-driven decision making: relies on data to make informed decisions about cloud costs. IT teams collect data on cloud usage and costs, and business teams use that data to make decisions about how to optimize their cloud usage.

  • Collaboration: collaborative effort between IT, business, and finance teams. These teams work together to understand cloud costs, identify opportunities for optimization, and implement cost-saving measures.

  • Continuous improvement: continuous improvement process. IT, business, and finance teams continuously monitor cloud costs and identify new opportunities for optimization.

Most popular use cases for FinOPS


Cost Optimization

Identify unused resources and to right-size their cloud workloads.  Negotiate better deals with cloud providers by leveraging FinOps data and insights.


Improved Efficiency

Automate cloud provisioning and management tasks. Develop a culture of cloud cost consciousness among their employees.


Increated Control

Set budgets and limits for cloud spending. Track cloud usage and costs against those budgets and limits.


Achive Compliance

Track cloud usage and costs. Develop a cloud governance framework that aligns with their organization's overall compliance requirements.


Improved Agility

Quickly and easily deploy new cloud resources, more effectively scale cloud resources up or down as needed.

Benefits from modernization of services



Practice of managing and provisioning infrastructure through code instead of using manual processes. Improved reliability, agility, reduced cost. Main tools we employ include Terraform and Pulumi. 



Designed as easy to use and manage, scaled up or down as needed to meet demands. We ensure your applications are always available and can handle the most demanding workloads



Data and applications are protected from a variety of threats. We implement controls and procedures following cloud best practices to ensure the security of your cloud environment.

Providers and Services we use

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